"When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
The passage you just read is the opening paragraph of the United States Declaration of Independence. It sets the stage for declaring why a group of people needed to separate from their existing political ties and establish themselves as independent entities.
It emphasizes the circumstances that made the colonists need to dissolve their political bonds. The decision for the colonist to dissolve political connections and establish an independent nation presented a clear and compelling case for separation, grounded in the laws of nature and the belief in inherent rights granted by a higher power.
The Declaration of Independence, which follows this introductory paragraph, declares the specific grievances and justifications for the American colonies' separation from Great Britain, explaining the causes that urged them to take this course of action.
Many Americans are well aware of the significance of the Declaration of Independence, which was adopted in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776. As a national holiday, it holds great importance and is widely celebrated across the country.
While it is customary to focus on fireworks, flags, beer, and hot dogs, we must focus on the historical events surrounding the holiday; reflecting on the document's core principles is essential. The most famous part of the founding document is popularly quoted:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.--That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it..."
While this holiday should be more about celebrating this country's historical efforts of standing up to an authoritative governing body, folks today have yet to take much of a stand for liberty and justice. Their focus has been more on quarreling over which tyrannical political party deserves to rule over us the best. We do not hold our tyrannical government accountable for its arbitrary rule against us in this country.
One should ponder what we're celebrating for, if we are yet again living under authoritarian rule.
Do you believe it's time for another Declaration of Independence from the American Empire?
I, for one, think it's overdue. How much worse does it need to get for people to take a stance?
We rarely see people reference the grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence. If you need to read or are dusty on them, read them. I will highlight a few of the grievances that are occurring today. These grievances were enough for the colonist to stand against the largest empire then; what are we waiting for?
We have common grievances occurring today, right this moment.
The grievances I will cover in this discussion are acceptable to Americans today as good reasons for the colonist to split with the crown since they continue celebrating the holiday. Why aren't they sufficient grounds to declare our independence again today?
I won't cover all of them today for the sake of time, but I'll hit on the ones that hit close to home for us today. First up:
"He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance."
In the Declaration of Independence context, "eat out their substance" refers to the British government's excessive taxation and economic exploitation imposed upon the American colonies.
It highlights that the British authorities burdened the colonists with heavy taxes, regulations, and policies that depleted their resources and wealth.
The British government was taking advantage of the colonies' productivity and prosperity by extracting wealth from them without providing adequate representation or addressing their concerns.
It conveys a sense of economic oppression and exploitation, emphasizing the negative impact these actions had on the livelihood and well-being of the American colonists.
How are our current government actions impacting people's livelihood and resources still relevant and more so today? Here are a few examples where concerns that should be raised:
Taxation: Tax policies and rates significantly impact individuals and businesses. Debates often arise regarding the fairness, complexity, and distribution of taxes. I'll argue that excessive and unfair taxation burdens individuals hinder economic growth and erodes people's substance. We are not being represented, and our grievances are ignored as the government irresponsibly spends our money on policies that benefit its agenda, not the people.
Regulations and Bureaucracy: Similar to the complaint in the Declaration of Independence about the "multitude of new offices," some argue that an overabundance of regulations and bureaucracy stifles individual and business economic liberties, impede entrepreneurship, and burden businesses with high compliance costs. Such regulations eat into people's substance by limiting their ability to prosper and grow financially and intrude on our pursuit of happiness. Far too many bureaucracies have been created to grow the government to force arbitrary policies by bodies of people who were not elected and are not held accountable for violating human rights.
3. Government spending and debt: When spending exceeds revenue, leading to budget deficits and accumulating national debt. Excessive spending and unsustainable debt strain the economy, leading to higher taxes or inflation, eroding people's wealth and financial well-being.
4. Property rights and Eminent domain: Disputes over property rights and the government's power of eminent domain are also modern examples of encroachments on people's substance. When the government exercises authority to seize private property for public use, it can be contentious, with arguments about the fairness of compensation and the impact on individuals' livelihoods and wealth.
It's worth noting that these examples reflect ongoing debates and differing perspectives on government actions. Some may have differing views on how these issues resemble the specific grievances mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. Still, they do illustrate contemporary concerns regarding the impact of government policies on people's substance and well-being.
Next up:
"For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us,"
Is another grievance listed in the Declaration of Independence. It refers to the practice of British soldiers being housed or quartered in private residences in the American colonies without the consent of the inhabitants.
While quartering troops in private homes may not directly apply to the present-day United States, concerns about the government and military relationship remain relevant. Here are a few examples where this issue resonates today:
Military presence and surveillance: Problems arise when there is perceived excessive military presence, such as the deployment of armed forces in domestic situations. Issues emerge regarding the infringement on civil liberties and privacy and the balance of power between the military and civilian institutions.
Militarization of police: There are several problems with the State and Federal government's militarization of police forces, where law enforcement agencies adopt military tactics, equipment, and training. This has led to the erosion of trust between law enforcement and communities, abuse of power, and consistent violations of individual rights. These forces are also used as "policing for profit" agencies. There are far too many unnecessary encounters with the police, and they often use coercion and violent force tactics to enforce policies that violate our human rights.
Surveillance and privacy: Issues surrounding government surveillance programs, such as monitoring communications or collecting personal data, are contemporary versions of the quartering grievance. There is no balance between national security and the right to privacy when the government uses bureaucracies to spy on American citizens illegally. It's an egregious abuse of power, and the state has and still infringes on our civil liberties.
While these specific grievances mentioned in the Declaration of Independence may not be directly mirrored in present-day circumstances, they reflect the broad issue of the relationship between the government, the military, the militarization of the police forces, and the rights and well-being of the people.
Let's move to: "Imposing taxes on us without our consent,"
The grievance of "imposing taxes on us without our consent," also mentioned in the Declaration of Independence, refers to the lack of representation of the American colonies in the British Parliament, which resulted in taxation without the colonists' direct consent or representation. The British government levied taxes on the colonists without their input or agreement.
The United States is repeating the same oppressive practices as the British. Here are a few examples:
Taxation without representation: Individuals' or groups' voices are not adequately heard or represented in Federal, State, or County decision-making. The idea of taxation without consent can be invoked when people believe they are being taxed without having a direct say or influence on tax policies.
Tax complexity and understanding: The complexity of the tax code and the nature of tax laws and regulations make it difficult for individuals to fully comprehend the impact of taxes on their finances, which leads to a perception of taxation without consent or understanding.
Taxpayer rights and accountability: The rights of taxpayers and the accountability of government agencies involved in armed tax collection agencies, also known as the IRS's unconstitutional practices of stealing people's money against their will. Individuals' rights are infringed upon, and tax authorities are not held accountable for their actions.
Taxation and economic policies: Debates around taxation often extend to discussions about the overall impact of taxes on the economy, including issues such as the appropriate level of taxation (if any), the distribution of tax burdens, and the potential impact on individual and business economic growth and prosperity.
Are you starting to see the patterns being addressed?
A couple of more comparisons:
"He has constrained our fellow-citizens, taken captive on the high seas, to bear arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands,"
Is another grievance from the Declaration of Independence. It refers to British authorities impressing American citizens into military service against their will, forcing them to fight against their fellow countrymen or face dire consequences.
In the present context, concerns about forced military service, conscription, or other forms of compelled service are relevant issues pertaining to the infringement of our natural human rights. Here are a few examples:
Forced military service or conscription: Discussions about mandatory military service or conscription violate individual liberties, rights, and freedom. Critics argue that forcing individuals to serve in the military against their will can infringe upon their liberty and autonomy.
Press-ganging or involuntary labor: Individuals may sometimes be forced into specific labor or service against their wishes. This can include practices such as human trafficking, forced labor, or other forms of modern-day slavery, which raise significant ethical and legal concerns.
Compelled participation in conflicts or acts of violence: Instances, where individuals are forced to participate in conflicts or commit acts of violence against their will can be seen as echoing the grievance mentioned. Such situations can include child soldiers, where young individuals are forced into armed conflicts, or cases of coerced allegiance or loyalty that result in individuals acting against their interests or the interests of their community.
It is essential to recognize that forced service, coerced labor, and involuntary participation in violence violate human rights and individual freedoms.
Last one, and if you find this information helpful, please make sure to share and subscribe; THANKS:
"In every stage of these oppressions, we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people,"
This is the last grievance I'll cover for now from the Declaration of Independence. This one reflects the sentiment that the American colonies had exhausted all peaceful means of addressing their grievances with the British government.
In a modern context, this passage highlights the importance of petitioning to redress grievances and the expectation that a government should respond to the concerns and needs of its people. While the specific reference to a prince may not directly apply to the current political landscape in the United States, there are still instances where our pleas for redress are never addressed. Some examples include:
Lack of government responsiveness: Our concerns, whether related to policy issues, civil rights, or other matters, are ignored or never addressed by our "elected" representatives or government officials.
Suppression of peaceful protests: When people engage in peaceful protests or demonstrations to express their grievances or advocate for change, the government or law enforcement response becomes contention. In many cases, the government puts up barriers to discourage people from exercising their right to redress the government, including getting permits or permission from the local police, paying police to guard their demonstrations, metal detectors in state buildings, and even having to show an ID to enter certain government buildings. These issues vary per state. The militarized police in our communities use of excessive force, curtailment of free speech rights, or attempt to suppress dissent raise valid concerns about the government's responsiveness to the grievances being voiced.
Failure to address systemic issues: If systemic problems persist without sufficient efforts, citizens may feel that their petitions for redress go unanswered. When these issues are not adequately acknowledged or addressed, it contributes to the sentiment of repeated injury without redress.
This passage underscores the expectation that a government should be responsive to the concerns and needs of its people, which it currently does not do at all. It serves as a reminder of the importance of our engagement and how we must pursue holding the government accountable, or it no longer needs to exist.
In recent decades, many people have expressed concerns about the government's arbitrary actions and demand that it is held accountable. It is natural to question the extent of our government's respect for the rights and freedoms outlined in the Declaration of Independence.
After all, the document itself was a proclamation against tyranny and the imposition of arbitrary rules. It is valid to ask whether the time has come for another declaration or a reaffirmation of our core principles. It is essential to engage in thoughtful discussion and reflection on the state of our nation and what we need to do about it. I stated at the being of this discussion; it is time for the empire to fall.
The references to the grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence should remind us of the need to demand that our rights and liberties be left alone and protected, or there is no need for a government not to do what it supposedly exists to do.
By embracing OUR civic responsibility and actively defending our liberties and freedoms, we can bring about positive change to our personal, economic, and political lives. So, while we reflect on the historical significance of Independence Day, let us also remember that the spirit of the Declaration of Independence lies not only in the celebratory aspects of the holiday but it's also an ongoing commitment to safeguarding the principles that define why our country exists in the first place.
So, is it time for a new Declaration of Independence?
I believe so.

Doni Anthony (Doni The Don)
Introducing Doni Anthony (Doni The Don), Founder of Liberty Or Else and a passionate advocate for individual liberties and natural human rights.
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