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The Hidden Agenda Behind Democrats' Bill to Create 5.6M Voters in Upcoming Election

Updated: Jan 3, 2024

The Democrats may have found a strategic way to influence the 2024 presidential race, countering Trump's lead over Biden in the polls. They plan on using the same victims from theirs and the Republican party's failed and arbitrary policies that landed these people in captivity in the first place.

But instead of using a just and honest solution to defend people's rights, Democratic Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) and Sen. Peter Welch (D-VT) created a bill that could potentially add 5,603,000 new voters to the rolls, outside of felons who had served their time and have completed their parole or probation requirements.

To understand why the Inclusive Democracy Act of 2023 is not a practical solution for mass incarceration, we must first look at the root cause of the problem. It is essential to acknowledge the issues that arise from our current government. As libertarians, we empathize with the victims of the state; we firmly believe that a fair and adequate solution exists. We are steadfast in our belief that justice and liberty can only be achieved if we dismantle our arbitrary legal system, which currently fails to uphold justice and defend individual liberties.

A vast majority of laws are created solely to inflate our prison populations and, in turn, increase the power and wealth of those in charge of the prison system. This has led to the mass incarceration of countless individuals who have not harmed others or their property.

The consequences of this approach are far-reaching and devastating. Individuals who are incarcerated for victimless crimes are often unable to find employment or housing after their release, further perpetuating a cycle of poverty and crime. Additionally, families and communities are torn apart as loved ones are taken away for nonviolent offenses. Grab a free copy of "Vices, Crimes, and The Pursuit of Happiness" to expand on this concept.

The staggering figure of 1.9 million people incarcerated in the United States as of 2023 calls for a critical evaluation of our justice system.

It's a clear indicator that our laws and their enforcement are not aligned with the principles of Natural Law and Justice. While we lack precise data on the number of these individuals who are convicted of felonies, it's evident that a significant portion are in prison for such offenses. This situation underscores a disturbing trend: our justice system is more punitive than rehabilitative, more retributive than just.

I will start calling this act the "Thank you for your vote, now get back in your cell act." Now, let's break down this bill. 

Understanding the Inclusive Democracy Act of 2023:

The Inclusive Democracy Act of 2023 is a significant legislative proposal aimed at ensuring the voting rights of U.S. citizens, particularly focusing on those with criminal convictions. Here's a detailed exploration of its key components:

1. Protection of Voting Rights: The Inclusive Democracy Act of 2023 would stop denying voting rights to those with criminal convictions in federal elections. This means citizens retain their right to vote regardless of past offenses. This shift aims to prevent the loss of voting rights due to criminal history, including if someone is currently incarcerated. 

2. Notification of Voting Rights: The notification of Voting Rights clause requires that individuals with criminal convictions, whether under state or federal law, be formally notified in writing about their preserved right to vote in federal elections. This measure is designed to clear up any confusion or misinformation regarding their voting rights. It ensures that these individuals are aware of their eligibility to participate in federal elections.

3. Access to the Ballot for Incarcerated Individuals: Recognizing the challenges incarcerated individuals face in exercising their voting rights, the Act outlines specific measures for facilitating their participation in federal elections. This includes providing voter registration forms and ensuring their proper submission and acceptance by election officials.

4. Absentee Voting Rights: A crucial aspect of the Act is the stipulation that incarcerated individuals have the right to vote by absentee ballot. The Act sets guidelines for providing, submitting, and accepting these ballots, ensuring that incarceration does not impede voting.

5. Voter Education and Information Access: Carceral settings are required to provide accessible information about candidates, campaigns, and voting procedures. Additionally, the Act allows for the distribution of educational materials by nonpartisan groups, aiming to ensure that incarcerated individuals are well-informed voters.

This section of the Inclusive Democracy Act of 2023 outlines requirements for providing election-related services and information to incarcerated individuals:

A) Online Services: If carceral settings provide access to internet-enabled devices like computers or tablets, they must allow incarcerated individuals eligible to vote in federal elections to use these devices free of charge. This access is specifically for researching candidates, political campaigns, and voter registration and voting procedures.

B) Distribution of Information: Carceral settings are required to allow candidates, political campaigns, and nonpartisan groups to distribute voter educational materials and information about federal elections. The materials should be related to elections held in the state of the carceral setting or, for elections outside that state, distributed at least once a year. This ensures that incarcerated individuals can access necessary information for making informed voting decisions.

6. Enforcement and Legal Recourse: The Act empowers the Attorney General to take civil action against any violations to uphold these provisions. Furthermore, it provides a private right of action for individuals who feel their rights under the Act have been infringed.

7. Definitions and Legal Framework: The Act defines terms such as "carceral setting" and outlines its relationship with existing voting rights laws. This clarity is essential for the effective implementation and enforcement of the Act.

8. General Provisions: The Act includes general clauses concerning its interpretation, severability, and effective date, set for federal elections starting in November 2024.

The Inclusive Democracy Act of 2023 represented itself as a significant step forward in ensuring that all American citizens, regardless of past mistakes, have a voice in the voting process, but instead, it appears to be a tool to garner millions of new votes that didn't exist before.

Example Of How This Would Work:

Under the Inclusive Democracy Act of 2023, consider John, an incarcerated individual. John is serving time in a federal prison. He learns about the Act through a notification provided by the prison authorities, informing him of his right to vote in the upcoming federal elections despite his incarceration.

John receives voter registration forms and educational materials about the candidates and the voting process provided by the prison as mandated by the Act. He completes his registration and receives an absentee ballot, which he fills out and submits according to the guidelines. John's ballot is counted in the federal election, ensuring his participation in the voting process despite his current incarceration.


Suppose an incarcerated individual is registered to vote in federal elections but receives a ballot that includes local or state elections (which they are not registered for). In that case, they will not face prosecution if they mistakenly vote in those non-federal elections. This provision aims to protect these voters from legal repercussions for unintentional mistakes in their ballots, focusing on their eligibility to vote in federal elections.

This provision allows incarcerated individuals to vote in federal elections without the risk of prosecution for inadvertently voting in local or state elections, which opens doors to potential legal and constitutional conflicts. It begs the question: why not create federal-only ballots to avoid such errors and uphold the sanctity of state laws under the 10th Amendment?

As we approach the 2024 presidential election, it's crucial to consider how the Inclusive Democracy Act of 2023, amidst the backdrop of approximately 803,000 people on parole and 2.9 million on probation in the United States, might be subject to potential abuses. These scenarios could seriously undermine the integrity of the voting process and the rights the Act seeks to protect:

  • Coercion of Votes: Individuals on parole or probation might be pressured into voting for specific candidates, with threats of reporting non-compliance or imposing other consequences that could negatively impact their status.

  • Misinformation Campaigns: Targeted misinformation efforts could mislead those on parole or probation about their voting rights, the voting process, or candidates, thereby manipulating their voting decisions.

  • Voter Impersonation: The risk of voter impersonation is significant, where others might illegally vote on behalf of those on parole or probation, mainly if voter identity verification is lax.

  • Exploitation of Uncertainty: The complexity of the legal system, coupled with the newness of the Act, may create confusion about the voting rights of those on parole or probation, which could be exploited to discourage or prevent them from voting.

  • Influence by Parole/Probation Officers: There's a possibility that parole or probation officers might unduly influence the voting decisions of those under their supervision.

In addition, within carceral settings:

  • Unauthorized Voting: There's a risk that prison officials might vote on behalf of inmates without their consent.

  • Coercion within Prisons: Inmates could be coerced into voting a certain way by prison staff or even by other inmates.

  • Misinformation within Prisons: Inmates might be deliberately provided incorrect information about voting rights and procedures.

  • Tampering with Voting Materials: There could be interference with or alteration of registration forms and absentee ballots.

These potential abuses highlight the need for clear guidelines, strict enforcement of electoral laws, and comprehensive education campaigns to ensure that the voting rights of those affected by the Act are protected and exercised freely and fairly. Extensive oversight is essential to prevent these abuses and uphold the voting process.

So, was this all genuine, and do the Democrats really give a damn about the people? 


When Ayanna Pressley stated this during a press conference, "With Republicans and the Supreme Court stopping at nothing to undermine voting rights and exclude Black and brown folks from participating in our democracy, we must protect and expand access to the ballot box — including for incarcerated citizens."

I gave her grace, even the benefit of the doubt, that she could, for once, have good intentions. After reviewing that bill, all of that went out the window.

I'm so sick and tired of these black-faced representatives lying in our faces about caring about defending our rights. When, in fact, this bill is for an old white socialist politician to stay in power. That is what she is actually preserving, not the rights of "black and brown" people or anyone else for that matter.

If Pressley cared about defending our rights, she would be working to decrease the size of the government. She wouldn't be working with animal rights activists and putting her name on animal liberation bills. She would instead focus on protecting ALL individual liberties and freedoms for HUMAN BEINGS.

She then added, "As someone whose family has been personally impacted by mass incarceration, I know how important it is for people to maintain ties to their community, including by voting," Pressley continued.

What a disrespectful comment to make when there are people locked up for victimless actions and have been separated from their families by the state illegally due to the arbitrary policies and actions of the Democratic and Republican parties. Why would individuals that are incarcerated care to reelect the scum that put them there in the first place and haven't done anything to repeal or abolish the unconstitutional laws? Why aren't these so-called "freedom-fighting" politicians demanding the release of those who were kidnapped and are being held captive against their will instead?

On the surface, the Inclusive Democracy Act of 2023 may have seemed genuine. Still, we must confront that this was not a solution to take on mass incarceration but a political tactic or stunt.

This act's approach, rather than addressing the root causes of mass incarceration and the infringement of liberties, appears to be a superficial solution that inadvertently serves political ends more than it upholds the principles of justice and freedom. 

Our justice system, swelling with 1.9 million incarcerated individuals as of 2023, signals a dire need to be altered or reformed. Many of these individuals are imprisoned for nonviolent, victimless offenses - an apparent deviation from the principles of Natural Law, which dictate that justice should focus on protecting individual rights and addressing actual harm done.

Rather than addressing the root causes of mass incarceration and the infringement of liberties, it fails to address the root cause: an overreaching, punitive justice system that frequently infringes on individual liberties. It's a band-aid solution to a deeply entrenched problem.

True reform lies in dismantling the myriad of laws that criminalize victimless actions and aligning our legal framework with the principles of Natural Law and Justice. This means focusing on laws that protect individuals from harm rather than punishing moral choices or nonviolent actions.

A Libertarian Action Plan:

  1. Elect Officials Who Uphold Natural Law: Replace Democrats and Republicans in crucial legal positions such as Prosecuting and District Attorneys, Judges, and Sheriffs with Libertarians who respect the principles of Natural Law and Justice.

  1. Reform the Legal System: Advocate for a legal system prioritizing rehabilitation over punishment, focusing on restoring victims and reintegrating offenders.

  2. Decriminalize Victimless Crimes: Push for decriminalizing nonviolent, victimless offenses, thereby reducing our bloated prison population and respecting individual freedom.

  3. Educate and Empower: Launch education campaigns to inform citizens about their rights and the importance of a justice system grounded in Natural Law.

Addressing the Act's Shortcomings:

  • Potential for Abuse: The Act opens avenues for voter coercion, misinformation, and potential voter fraud, particularly with absentee ballots. It lacks safeguards to prevent these abuses.

  • Violation of State Rights: The provision allowing federally incarcerated individuals to vote in state elections they're not registered for could overstep state rights, potentially clashing with the 10th Amendment.

While the Inclusive Democracy Act of 2023 may have seemed like a step forward in voting rights, it sidesteps the more significant issue of an overbearing justice system that strips individuals of their liberty for minor offenses. The libertarian path forward is not through incremental policy changes but through fundamental changes in our justice system, rooted in the respect for individual rights and the principles of Natural Law. Only then can we achieve a society that genuinely values and protects individual liberties and freedom.

Doni Anthony (Doni The Don) 

Introducing Doni Anthony (Doni The Don), Founder of Liberty Or Else and a passionate advocate for individual liberties and natural human rights. 

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Is the Inclusive Democracy Act of 2023 going to be effective in time for people to vote in the 2024 federal elections?

Yes, under the Inclusive Democracy Act of 2023, individuals affected by the provisions of the Act would be able to vote in the 2024 federal elections. The Act is designed to ensure that individuals with criminal convictions, including those incarcerated or on probation or parole, are aware of and can exercise their right to vote in federal elections. As the Act is set to be effective for federal elections starting in November 2024, it will enable eligible individuals to participate in the 2024 federal elections.

When can politicians share their campaign information with inmates for the federal 2024 elections?

Politicians can begin sharing their campaign information with inmates for the federal 2024 elections at least 60 days before the election date. This provision is intended to ensure inmates have sufficient time to receive, review, and understand information about various candidates and their platforms, enabling them to make informed voting decisions.

How does this bill plan handle voter fraud and corruption?

It doesn't.

Can you vote in federal elections if you're on parole or probation?

Yes, under the Inclusive Democracy Act of 2023, individuals on parole or probation would be able to vote in federal elections. The Act ensures that the right to vote in federal elections is not denied due to criminal convictions, including those currently on parole or probation. This provision is part of the broader goal to protect and enhance the voting rights of all citizens, regardless of their criminal history.

Would people not convicted of a federal offense but a state offense be able to vote?

The Act specifically prohibits the denial of voting rights in federal elections due to criminal convictions, regardless of whether the conviction was for a federal or state offense. 

Are prisoners eligible to participate in early voting for federal elections under the Inclusive Democracy Act of 2023?

People in prison have the right to vote in federal elections according to the Inclusive Democracy Act of 2023. However, it doesn't say if they can vote early or not. It depends on the state where they are in prison. Each state has its rules for early voting, which also apply to imprisoned people.

If a state allows absentee voting for all eligible voters and does not have laws explicitly restricting early voting for incarcerated individuals, then prisoners could participate in early voting through absentee ballots. However, it's essential to check the specific state laws for clarity on this matter.

Are incarcerated individuals allowed to vote in federal primary elections under the Inclusive Democracy Act of 2023?

The Inclusive Democracy Act of 2023 allows incarcerated individuals to vote in federal elections, including primaries. To participate, inmates must meet standard eligibility criteria such as citizenship and age. The Act ensures that a criminal conviction does not prevent an individual from participating in the democratic process, including primaries and general elections.


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